Tuesday 30 March 2010

Easter hol's

I've finished work for nearly a week, with a trip to Mum & Dad, plus a visit to friends in Leicester planned for my time off.
But before any of that, I'm having my carpets cleaned. I'm embarrassed to admit I'm actually quite excited about it - the place just feels filthy and I'm hoping this will kick start a cleaner house. I've also signed up with a cleaning agency and they hope to have someone out within a couple of weeks. Spring must be in the air, with all this cleaning!
In my madness, I've booked a sprint triathlon for 16th May. Today I bought some toe clips and a bottle cage for my bike - all feels a bit serious! A friend is keen to go out for a training session next week - she wants to swim in Hexham, cycle back then go for a run ..... I may well regret entering this particular race!
Easter mean it's the end of lent, which means I can return to Facebook. The reason I started this blog was to stave off Facebook-withdrawal symptoms. Whilst I have missed keeping up with friends on Facebook, I haven't really spoken to friends any more than before. But this blog is far more therapeutic than Facebook - maybe I'll do both for a bit.


  1. Hi again Nats. Very envious of the clean house scenario altho' I suppose I could actually do something about mine by putting some effort in. Hope you get a good cleaner from the agency.

    Your on-call night sounds pretty rough. Have a very good holiday and good luck with the training. Your friend sounds like Shona!


  2. Julie,
    I didn't realise anyone could read this as I've not told anyone about it. Well done for tracking me down - I have no idea how you did it via stats - not discovered any of that yet! I'm quite happy for you to read it, but I think it probably makes boring reading for anyone other than me.
    You write yours beautifully, I think I'll need a few months practice before I can make mine public.
    Hope the family are all well and enjoying their holiday. And I hope work goes ok for you (poor you, just as they all get time off).
    love to all
    N xx

  3. Oops- do you want me to go away? Quite happy if you'd rather?! Also I had put you onto my blog list - should I scrap that? Sorry for being so nosy. Hope you have alovely time in Leicester. lots of love, Julie

  4. No, no don't worry, I knew it would happen eventually. How did you find me, and what are stats (how do you see who's viewing your blog?)
    I've signed up to deerstalker email so will hopefully know when next year's race is - having had time to reflect on this years race are you up for another?!
