Thursday 29 April 2010

Wimbledon is back on

I have my tickets to Wimbledon - I lost them temporarily, having not paid in time, but have just heard I will receive tickets for mens quarter-finals this summer - yay! That will be just one of 3 little trips down south in the next couple of months. I don't have a big holiday booked but have a number of mini-breaks planned.
In 3 weeks, I'm heading to Devon for Chrissy's hen weekend. Point-to-point and surfing are planned - all new experiences for me, plus lots of new people to meet, and I'm sure it'll be fun. Next trip south is Al & Chrissy's wedding and then Wimbledon .... it's looking like a summer of fun, I'll just hope and pray for sunshine.

Things here are ticking along nicely. I've managed to get a good amount of gardening done recently - it's hugely satisfying to see my seedlings sprouting, the grass seed is finally germinating and each trip down the garden there are new signs of growth. I get excited by all this new growth, especially the lush green springing up everywhere and the trees coming into leaf.

Only two weeks to go til my triathlon. Can't quite believe I was mad enough to book it. I'm not really training for it, but will just give it a go and hope to enjoy it. If it's fun, I'll think about investing in some kit for an open-water event, and then maybe aim for a full tri in the next year or two. Mad fool that I am, I think I thrive on crazy challenges. Running the marathon a couple of years ago was great and I'm ready for my next challenge, a full tri may be it.

Saturday 17 April 2010


Well, I really am just pottering along at the moment. Things are fairly steady work, home and church wise at the moment, all good. I've had time to potter in the garden, go running, see friends and to just be. But I'm beginning to think that I actually prefer life when it's a bit busier - I always complain I get tired and stressed but it does have it's advantages.

I left work yesterday feeling mixed up and confused. I'd assessed a patient at home, and needed the Police to gain entry to their home. It was really horrid, lots of Police vans, plus Police dog and they had to batter the door down. It was a sunny day and the school holidays, and it felt as though the whole neighbourhood were gawping.
Being a psychiatrist puts me in a powerful position, and it was all for the best, but felt so cruel at the time. It also gave me a reminder of how tough some folk have it, and how some folk live in sparse, neglected, appauling conditions right on our doorsteps. The outcome was excellent, and the process really went like clock-work, but that didn't make it any less horrid to be involved.

In the last week, I've spent lots of time trying to find C&A a suitable honeymoon. Al's super-stressed, and slow internet in Madagascar has made it frustrating and almost impossible for him to search for accomodation. I've actually enjoyed doing it, and quite fancy a similar trip myself. I'll keep the destination a secret - it's not my decision whether it's to be revealed.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Spring is sprung

Spring has arrived so I've spent the day outside, tidying the garden and running. I'm now settling down with a glass of wine, for a quiet evening (and probably an early night). It's always satisfying to spend time pottering in the garden and today it was much needed, so extra satisfying.

Rosie being a bigger dog than Poppy, produces more wee and is burning up large patches of my lawn. Well, it used to be a lawn, now it could be more accurately described as patches of grass. I've read that tomato juice helps, so Rosie gets a slug of tomato juice on her breakfast and I've liberally scattered grass seed today, hoping that I'll get my lawn back in the next month or two.

My invite to Al's wedding arrived today. Very excited to have received it. He's a special wee bro, and I'm so happy he's found Chrissy. It will be a super-special day and I will cry - no point in even trying not to on this occasion! Will have to remember the waterproof mascara.

Friday 2 April 2010

Happy memories

I finished work a few days ago and am now in holiday mode, having spent a few days with Mum & Dad. I become remarkably useless here, waited on hand and foot, eating and drinking very well, getting lots of fresh air and totally relaxing. I left home on a high - the boiler may finally be fixed, the carpets are clean and I have found a cleaner - simple pleasures!
I have spent a happy few hours going through old family photos, scanning in a selection of Al for Chrissy to use at their wedding reception. Happy memories of a very happy and loving childhood with my wee bro. I've got used to the idea of him being married, but realised today I hadn't yet considered Chrissy as another Mrs Harris!
Great news from Al & Chrissy - Chrissy has a new 6 month job with UNICEF. It gives some much needed stability for them both, and they can begin to plan their lives beyond the 5th June.
I'm off to Leicester tomorrow for some time with very special friends. It's funny, I always feel better for spending some time with Kath, Han and families - old friends really are the best.