Saturday 10 April 2010

Spring is sprung

Spring has arrived so I've spent the day outside, tidying the garden and running. I'm now settling down with a glass of wine, for a quiet evening (and probably an early night). It's always satisfying to spend time pottering in the garden and today it was much needed, so extra satisfying.

Rosie being a bigger dog than Poppy, produces more wee and is burning up large patches of my lawn. Well, it used to be a lawn, now it could be more accurately described as patches of grass. I've read that tomato juice helps, so Rosie gets a slug of tomato juice on her breakfast and I've liberally scattered grass seed today, hoping that I'll get my lawn back in the next month or two.

My invite to Al's wedding arrived today. Very excited to have received it. He's a special wee bro, and I'm so happy he's found Chrissy. It will be a super-special day and I will cry - no point in even trying not to on this occasion! Will have to remember the waterproof mascara.

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