Wednesday 19 May 2010

Sunshine and annual leave ...

... are a great combination. I've had this week off and been blessed with wonderful weather - an ideal opportunity to lessen the winter pallor before Al's wedding.

I've had a great week. It started with a triathlon in Darlington. I was a little apprehensive, particularly about the transitions and the bike ride, but loved it all. The transitions were fine - I didn't dry any of me at all, and putting clothes and shoes on while wet seemed quite normal.
The first couple of photos are of my friend Angela, who did the race with me. She did really well and seems to have enjoyed it too.
These 2 photos are of me finishing my bike ride, before heading out on the run.Angela met me at the finish line. We both had huge grins on our faces and immediately agreed to book another race - we're hooked. I've already booked myself in to an open water event in September and am scouring eBay for a wetsuit.

The rest of my week off was more relaxing. I had an enormous delivery of manure and spent many happy hours scattering it round the garden. It's already had an impressive effect - everything has put on a growth spurt and is looking beautifully lush with vivid colours. I pottered about at home, caught up with friends and generally chilled out. The sunshine definitely contributed to a very successful week off. At the end of the week I set off for Devon to attend Chrissy's hen do. I'll save details of that for another blog entry.

Friday 7 May 2010


I do not pretend to have any great knowledge about politics, but I take my responsibility to vote seriously and have followed the run-up to the election closely. I feel an intense anti-climax and disappointment at the outcome of yesterday's general election. I am horrified that living in a 21st century democratic nation, some were denied their right to vote. The outcome of a hung parliament seems to predict indecision and stale-mate with little chance of productive decisions in the coming months. So all in all, I'm pretty dismayed with the result.

On a more positive note, I had a lovely visit from Al last night. He got home from Mad at the weekend, and called in here on his way south from Mum and Dad's. It was great to see him and catch up. It has felt as though I have to see him and catch up, before he gets married and disappears. The truth is, little will change after marriage. He'll still be the same Al, the same big-little brother, and will have the bonus of a loving, caring, friendly wife. It's maybe that he's heading back to Madagascar after marriage so I have to catch up before he disappears to Africa for another 6 months.