Friday 7 May 2010


I do not pretend to have any great knowledge about politics, but I take my responsibility to vote seriously and have followed the run-up to the election closely. I feel an intense anti-climax and disappointment at the outcome of yesterday's general election. I am horrified that living in a 21st century democratic nation, some were denied their right to vote. The outcome of a hung parliament seems to predict indecision and stale-mate with little chance of productive decisions in the coming months. So all in all, I'm pretty dismayed with the result.

On a more positive note, I had a lovely visit from Al last night. He got home from Mad at the weekend, and called in here on his way south from Mum and Dad's. It was great to see him and catch up. It has felt as though I have to see him and catch up, before he gets married and disappears. The truth is, little will change after marriage. He'll still be the same Al, the same big-little brother, and will have the bonus of a loving, caring, friendly wife. It's maybe that he's heading back to Madagascar after marriage so I have to catch up before he disappears to Africa for another 6 months.

1 comment:

  1. Nats - Good to hear you got to see Al. He will be just the same after he gets married and maybe one day he'll be here a little bit more too. I always think of him as big-little too! lots of love, Julie
