Sunday 28 March 2010

Bits and Bobs

Another week's gone by, the clocks have gone forwards so it is now officially spring (and snow is forecast for later this week!).
This week was sort of turned upside down by a rough on-call on tuesday night. I was called out at 11.45pm, got home a couple of hours later, but was only back 20mins before getting called back out til 6am. You know it's bad when the dog doesn't even get out of bed to greet you as you come and go in the middle of the night.
I was seeing the chiropracter (highly recommended, not just for people with more money than sense, as I previously believed) on wednesday, and explained I was shattered from working all night. She asked what sort of things I had to do in the middle of the night, and I said, "well, last night I assessed two patients who'd been talked down off bridges by the Police and needed assessing urgently".
Yesterday, I had a lovely day entertaining friend's two little girls. We went to a local farm to feed the lambs, and bounce on a trampoline (lots). They were so well behaved, a pleasure to take out. The only hitch was their fear of Rosie but I'll work on that.

Today I've been cleaning. I REALLY need to find another cleaner, soon. Have written down numbers and hope to make some calls tomorrow.

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